Negative values enable parallel generation ( default ). dagdelay (=- 1 ) Delay between creating the DAG buffers for the GPUs. Can be a comma separated list of values to set for each card individually. Linux: 4080 Windows: 4024 -zombie-tune arg (= auto ) Sets the Zomie tune mode ( auto or 0 - 3 ) for Polaris GPUs. Can be a comma separated list of values for each card. 4 g -alloc-size arg (= 0 ) Sets the DAG size ( in MByte ) the miner is allowed to use on 4 G cards.
#Trex miner linux verification#
disable-dag-verify (= 0 ) Disable the CPU side verification and repair of DAG. If your card is unstable or does not unlock try negative values. lhrtune arg (= 0 ) Offset to most important LHR parameters. Comma separated values for configuring multiple cards differently. Available options:ĮTHV1: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 ( Nicehash ) ETHPROXY: Ethereum Proxy -worker arg (= eth1.0 ) Separate worker name for Ethereum Proxy stratum mode. ethstratum arg (= ETHPROXY ) Ethash stratum mode. Use "edge" ( default ), "junction" or "memory" to set the mode for temperature management. tmode arg (= edge ) Mode for temperature management. If set to 0 disables stop above a fixed temperature. tstop arg (= 0 ) Temperature to pause or stop a GPU from mining in degree C. If set to 0 disables restart below a fixed temperature. tstart arg (= 0 ) Minimal temperature for a GPU to start in degree C. singlethread (=- 2 ) Enable single mining thread mode for all GPUs (- 1 ) or for a specific GPU id. Requires previleges to change system settings. watchdogscript arg Specify which script to be executed when a hung GPU is detected -computemode (= 0 ) Ask lolMiner to enable AMD compute mode for supported GPUs.
#Trex miner linux code#
"exit": Exit the miner with exit code 42 to ask for a restart.

"off": Continue working on remaining cards. watchdog arg (= script ) Specify which action to take when a card is detected to be crashed. Select KASPADUAL, then you must specify the address and port of the pool: Just set up your batch file or flightsheet/profile/wallet ETH/ETC/UBQHASH and go to settings: For HiveOSĮnter Setup Miner Config and write Extra config arguments. This is because during dual mining, the power consumption of video cards increases, the temperature increases accordingly, as well as the cost of electricity. We must also take into account that the power supply may require a few extra watts.
#Trex miner linux update#
You need to make sure that on Windows or Linux (HiveOs, RaveOS) you update the program to the latest version. You can mine ETH/ETC/UBQHASH and Kaspa at the same time. Thanks to dual mining, you can increase your profit. Dual miningĭual mining is the process of mining two specific coins on the same video card (or mining farm). You can check the detailed list of additional parameters for lolMiner using the lolMiner -h command. This option sets more detailed settings for the selected profiles and allows you to use special features such as algorithm switches or a combination of an algorithm with the correct personalization. The second way to configure lolMiner is through the -coin (-c) parameter. This list will inform you if the program supports the algorithm / requires the personalization parameter ( -pers), which is needed for some Equihash-based algorithms. The size of the commission will also be shown. Note that you can always find out the supported algorithms with the command: lolMiner –list-algos. The first option is -algo (-a) followed by one of the following algorithm names: Parameter You need to choose one of them to start mining.

LolMiner has two ways to specify the algorithm you want to mine.